
Genius - Rock Opera

Genius - Episode 3 - The Final Surprise (2007)
1-Toy warehouse (Daniel Gildenlow-DC Cooper) 7.30
2-No more chances (Jorn Lande) 5.10
3-Save me from my destiny (Andrea Dätwyler) 11.26
4-Alive and safe (Eric Martin) 5.57
5-Jump off this train (Daniel Gildenlow-DC Cooper) 7.27
6-Let me live (Jorn Lande-Daniel Gildenlow) 8.12
7-Inside these memories (DC Cooper-Toby Hitchcock) 8.43
8-I die (Daniel Gildenlow) 6.13
9-Back to life again (Toby Hitchcock) 6.13
10-Dream in liberty (Toby Hitchcock-Jorn Lande) 7.22
11-The final surprise (DC Cooper-Daniel Gildenlow) 4.25

Genius - Episode 2 - In Search of the Little Prince (2004)

1-He will die (Russel Allen-Daniel Gildenlow-Mark Boals) 9.25
2-Playing in their dreams (Edu Falaschi-Mark Boals-Daniel Gildenlow) 6.56
3-You won't escape (Russel Allen) 5.17
4-Valley (Jeff Martin) 5.51
5-Beware (Roberto Tiranti) 5.51
6-My dear son (Eric Martin) 8.22
7-What he has to say (Roberto Tiranti-Johnny Gioeli-Mark Boals) 7.02
8-All my fault (Roberto Tiranti-Johnny Gioeli-Mark Boals-Daniel Gildenlow) 10.39
9-To be free (Liv Kristine) 4.48
10-Fight again (Mark Boals) 5.36
11-Far away from here (Daniel Gildenlow-Johnny Gioeli-Roberto Tiranti-Mark Boals) 9.58

Genius - Episode 1 - A Human Into Dreams' World (2003)

1-Without me today (Mark Boals) 12.04
2-The right place (Mark Boals-Lana Lane) 4.54
3-Paradox (Mark Boals-Daniel Gildenlow) 9.27
4-The glory of our land (Chris Boltendahl) 7.52
5-All of your acts (Joe Vana) 6.31
6-Dreams (Mark Boals) 5.29
7-My pride (Steve Walsh-John Wetton) 7.31
8-There's a human (Oliver Hartmann) 5.10
9-Father (John Wetton) 5.25
10-Terminate (Midnight) 5.40
11-I'm afraid (Mark Boals-Daniel Gildenlow-Midnight-John Wetton) 8.56
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